Some cool natural cure for breast cancer images:
Smoke for the Cure
" I couldn’t let October’s Breast Cancer Awareness (but not prevention) Month come to a close without posting a satire cartoon exposing all the pinkwashing we’ve seen that month. You can buy everything in pink these days, from bottled water to fried chicken, alcohol and even handguns. So why not cigarettes? All these pink products claim to give some mystery percentage of "net profits" (which could be zero if the company isn’t profitable) to "find a cure for cancer" (a ridiculous proposition since we already have natural cures for cancer).
It’s all part of the cancer industry’s brainwashing propaganda that tries to convince people that we can cure cancer by going shopping! "
Continue reading Komen Smokes pink ribbon cigarettes by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
Dan Berger is Cartoonist behind Natural News.
All our posts about cancer, breast cancer and health.
Image from page 45 of “The American flora : or history of plants and wild flowers : containing their scientific and general description, natural history, chemical and medical properties, mode of culture, propagation , &c., designed as a book of reference
Identifier: americanfloraorh02stro
Title: The American flora : or history of plants and wild flowers : containing their scientific and general description, natural history, chemical and medical properties, mode of culture, propagation , &c., designed as a book of reference for botanists, physicians, florists, gardeners, students, etc.
Year: 1855 (1850s)
Authors: Strong, Asa B
Subjects: Plants Plants Wild flowers Medicinal plants
Publisher: New York : Hull & Spencer
Contributing Library: The LuEsther T Mertz Library, the New York Botanical Garden
Digitizing Sponsor: The LuEsther T Mertz Library, the New York Botanical Garden
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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h much confidence recommend it inthe treatment of this painful and highly dangerous affection. A salve made from the leaves is the best method of preparingit for cancerous affections, it is prepared in the following manner:—Take of top and leaves, any quantity, bruise them in a mortar, andthen press out the juice, put it on plates or flat bottom dishes, andexpose it to the sun for evaporation. When it has become of prop-er consistence to form a paste it ought to be put in earthen or glassvessels to preserve it for use. When applied to the cancer, spreada thin plaster on a soft piece of leather or cloth, of a size suitableto cover the sore. These plasters must be occasionally renewed,washing the cancer with soap suds at each renewal. Two plastershave been known to cure a bad cancer of the female breast; and insome instances one has been sufficient. This remedy has been known by a iew, whose names have beencelebrated in the cure of cancers, but the knowledge of it sold ata high price.
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NAT. ORDER. Lilacece. LIBIUM PHILADELPHICUM. ORANGE OR TIGER LILY. Class VI. Hexandria. Order I. Monogynia. Gen. Char. Corolla six-petaled, bell-shaped, with a long necta-rious line. Capsules the valves connected by cancellated hair. Spe. Char. Leaves verticulate, linear-lanceolate. Nerves hairy be-neath. ^SiJem one to two flowered. Co?-(3//a erect, companuble,spreading. Petals unquiculate. – • The ?oot is large, knotty, and covered with numerous smallsucculent fibres ; the stem is firm, round, upright, simple, and usuallyrises from eighteen to thirty inches in height; the leaves are numer-ous, long, narrow, pointed, smooth, without footstalks, and irregular-ly scattered over the stem; xhejlowers are large, of an orange yel-low, spotted with dark red, and terminate the stem in clusters uponshort peduncles; it has no calyx; the corolla is bell-shaped, consist-ing of six petals, which within are of a beautiful shining white, butwithout ridged, and of a less luminous appearance; the fi
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Cyberpunk Jewelry – RING – PINK – Crafting a Cure – Breast Cancer Awareness on Etsy